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Garden Design & Consultation

We offer several different garden design & consultation packages. After you have chosen a package, contact us in order to book an appointment. Please fill in this  Questionnaire before our visit.   

Package 1: Take your own notes

-We will take a walk around your garden together & discuss your wishes & preferences. Then, we will offer suggestions concerning plants, design, maintenance, etc. 


-We will decide together what to focus on.


-You will take notes yourself. 


*It is advantageous to have a property map or a satellite photo of your property to take notes on.


Price: 900 kr per hour


Paket 2: Växtförslag

Vi träffas i er trädgård och pratar om era önskemål och vad ni tycker om. Sedan kommer vi med ett skriftligt växtförslag med information om varje växt, t.ex. höjd, blomningstid, planteringsavstånd, osv.


Vi bestämmer tillsammans vad vi ska fokusera på.


Pris: från 1800 kr


Glöm inte att fylla i formuläret!


Växtförslag Example.jpg

Package 2: Gardener's notes  & a Simple Sketch

We will take a walk around your garden together & discuss your wishes & preferences. Then, we will offer suggestions concerning plants, design, maintenance, etc. 


We will take notes & a simple sketch & send them to you after our visit. The contents can be maintenance advice for your garden, an inventory of the existing plants, plant details & suggestions, design ideas, etc. 

We will base our notes on your needs & wishes. 


*It is advantageous to have a property map or a satellite photo of your property to take notes on.



Price: from 6000 kr


Package 3: Complete Garden Drawing

We will walk around your garden together & discuss your wishes & preferences for your garden. We will talk about the conditions of your garden's location

(soil type, sunlight, cold or exposed areas, etc.)  


We will decide together what to focus on.


You will receive a rough draft after the visit for your approval or potential  changes. After this, we will complete the to-scale drawing & send it to you along with a plant list, plant details, tips, etc.. 


-Please have a to-scale plot map available.


Visit: 1-2 timmar


Pris från: 12.000 kr 

Example of a plant list with details

Trädgårdsritning, Trädgård design, Trädgårdsdesign Värmland, Trädgårdsdesign Hammarö, Trädgårdsdesign Karlstad, Trädgårdsdesign Stockholm, trädgårdsdesign Göteborg, trädgårdsdesign Malmö


In order to get the most out of our time together, we ask that you fill out this questionnaire before our visit. Take your time & reflect over how you want your garden to be. If you prefer pen & paper (& to sit in your garden, perhaps), you can download the questionnaire here:      

Send the filled in questionnaire to

What have you booked?
How much time do you want to spend on your garden?


Links to soil analysis:

    Sweco Geolab




*All prices include VAT

Additional Costs


Travel expenses
Paper invoice
Tipping fee



*All prices include VAT



6.5 kr per km

Per jobb 

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